Post-COVID? Canada Immigration, is it still possible? (Eng version)
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Post-COVID? Canada Immigration, is it still possible? (Eng version)

등록일 : 2020.08.10조회 : 1,555댓글 : 0


Hello, its MURPHY. 

We are always doing our best to support and kindly inform the most accurate and positive information to people who wants to immigrate to Canada.


We have always had these kinds of casual topics. But today, we are going to share some deep topics with you.


“Canada immigration, is it necessary?”




We are still in the middle of COVID crisis, but someday its going end.

It will not be easy to end cleanly, but we still hope that our lives will go back to the way they were. With none of this hope, we are afraid there will not be any strength left for us.


We believed for years that Canada is a good place to live and the best place to immigrate.

Thankfully, MURPHY was able to develop for more than 20 years.


But suddenly in the year 2020, due to COVID-19, Canada took a serious hit. COVID Test procedure was not held properly though it was essential for the patients and those who were ill had no choice but to go home and rest without any adequate treatment.

 Purchasing mask was also not easy and the mass infection in the senior center was truly terrifying.

 The belief people had about how Canada is a perfect place to give children a better life, is slowly fading away.


Actually, there were hard times in the past about Canadian medical issues, but Canada was still the number one choice for immigrants despite all of these consequences. So, we were able to adapt to this system.

It was a rare case for us to experience the reality of Canadian medical issues especially for all the immigrants.




We mention welfare, medical, education, environment, and quality of life when it comes to choosing a country. The last part “quality of life” depends on the factors in front, so its best to just see these four standards.


Hence, ‘the medical part’ lost a lot of points to Koreans who were hoping to immigrate in Canada.


Also, it is not only about medical, what about racism?


Among those developed countries, Canada was the least racist country of all. It might be different to every person, but before COVID-19 hit us, at least there was no racism. But recently there are few news about Asian discriminated by other people. Will the racism disappear if COVID does? We are worried that discriminate towards Asian is now above water, it will be hard to sink down again.




Will foreigners be able to get a job like before? While their own citizens are losing their own job, will there be room for foreigners? 

Also, Will the Canadian government give LMIA (Labor Market Impact Assessment) to employers who are willing to employ just like they did before COVID -19 came up?


Labor Market Impact Assessment literally means assessing the impact of labor. Its able to decide whether it is positive or negative when a foreigner comes into Canadian Labor market.

If you don’t have any technique or Canadian degree, it will be hard to get LMIA and go into the Canadian labor market.


Welfare is still a good defense. Compared to other countries, Canada was able to quickly provide stimulus check for those who needed help.

Stimulus check called CERB(Canada Emergency Response Benefit) provides up to $2000 per month

Although every local government has different policy, but Canada provided the same benefit not only to Canadian and permanent resident but also to exchange students and temporary employees.

 Most of the deposits were processed through accounts in 3-5days after applying. Compared to how Korean administration did the processing, Canadians were quite efficient at their jobs. CERB is used as a living expense for working holiday students or people who owns a student visa.


The fact that they are living very well with CERB is a big relief to us as well.





Outside of that, Canada has expanded CCTB (home care allowance), supported the amount of wage for employees in business and helped disadvantaged people via “support for people who need it most”. The last action is mostly targeted to people such as native people or the weak.

A country that absorbed the living foundation of the native people traditionally has a dept consciousness which is the mentality of Canadians towards native people. But Canada has always provided the best to them and worked hard to live with one another. This is the “genuine heart of Canada”.

The main reason why the Canada Welfare stands out, is of course the fact that the other developed countries such as America, Japan, Europe was not able to control the chaotic society by their own power of administration and citizenship, whereas Canada was truly doing the best of its own.


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We were able to know more about Canada due to this situation, and we are going to deeply consider about Canada immigration at this point.

 If we aim the immigration to a solid Welfare that is able to response to such crisis and the value that set importance on living with people such as “Support for people who need the most”, Canada is a very attractive country among other countries as America, japan or any other countries in Europe. But we also faced some of the “insufficiency side” of Canada. First, basic medical benefit issues and second, the reduction of job opportunity for foreigners.



If you are considering Canada immigration by studying abroad in Canada, we suggest studying competitive subjects that local people prefer than to just choose a random major that is opened for foreigners. It’s also the reason why MURPHY is guiding the prospective major with today’s topic “Post-COVID”.


If you are thinking to settle down in Canada, then you must keep on studying. But if you are considering coming back someday, then its better to think about the right education curriculum for it. So, it seems very reasonable for 4-50 years old Koreans who pick wine procedure and come to Canada for new foundation after his or her retirement. You can also experience the Canadian welfare through Retirement communities management. Of course, you can repeat golf ? English, English ? golf every day.


The important thing is whether you have a stable purpose.


Our life will be divided into two directions: the life before COVID-19 and after. Therefore, We need to consider it before the COVID ends. If you decided to live in a foreign country as a foreigner, Post-COVID is more critical.


Canada is a country that needs immigrants. Also, they will consider receiving immigrants in various ways to fill in the Immigrants quota that the Canada government officially announced.


So, for starters, MURPHY is asking you, Canada immigration, is it still effective? Did you decide to immigrate to Canada? Then MURPHY suggest you to carefully consider the facts that we mentioned above.

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