마니토바 주정부 사업이민 사례② - 영어학원을 운영하는 이OO 님

마니토바 주정부 사업이민 사례② - 영어학원을 운영하는 이OO 님

등록일 : 2015.01.20조회 : 2,650댓글 : 0

영어학원을 운영하는 이모씨 (44세). 한국경기가 너무 좋지 않아 지금운영하고 있는 학원을 정리하고 캐나다 이민을 계획중이다. 언어소통에 크게 문제가 없어 캐나다에서도 비즈니스 하는데는 별 어려움이 없다고 생각한다. 그동안 투자이민이나 사업이민쪽으로 알아보고 있었는데, 순수 투자는 투자금이 매우 올라서 엄두가 나지 않는데다 주정부 사업이민은 거의 운영되는 주가 없어서 한동안 캐나다 이민을 잊고 있었다. 그러던 중에 마니토바 사업이민 재개소식을 접하고 준비중이다.

1. Age (Max 15 points)

Age Point
Below 21 0
21 to 24 5
25 to 29 10
30 to 44 15
45 to 49 10
50 to 54 5
Above 54 0

2. Business Knowledge (Max 15 points) Points

구분 Points
Business Owner and manager (more than 50% ownership) 15
Business Owner and manager ( 20% to 50% ownership) 12
Senior Manager 10

3. Business Experience (Max 15 points)

Length of Experience Points
Above 10 Years or more 15
Above 6 to 10 Years 10
3 to 6 Years 5

4. Net Worth (Max 15 points)

Total Net Worth Points
$350,000 to $500,000 8
$500,000 to $1 Million 10
Above $1Million to $1.5 Million  12
Above $1.5 Million to $2 Million 13
Above $2 Million to $2.5 Million 14
Above $2.5 Million 15

5. English and/or French Fluency (Max 20 points)

Description CLB/NCLC or equivalent test score Points
No/little English/French language proficiency (e.g.,  you have  no or minimal English/French language skills) Less than 4 0
Moderate language proficiency or  you have  some English/French skills and can communicate well in most everyday situations 4 to 6 15
Higher language proficiency or  you communicate  very well and are fluent in English/French Above 6 20

6. Enhanced Settlement Factors (Applicant can only score a maximum of 20 points under enhanced settlement factors)

구분 Points
You have visited Manitoba for at least five working days and conducted relevant business and lifestyle-related research  15
You have a close relative currently residing in Manitoba for more than one year 5
Your child is enrolled in an accredited Manitoba educational institution at least six months prior to the date of submission of Nomination Application and is actively pursuing academic, professional or vocational training on a full-time basis. 5
Your spouse has a high language proficiency (CLB score of 5 or above)  10
Previous Study and/or work experience in Manitoba:
You or your accompanying spouse or common-law partner has completed a program of full-time study of at least one year at a post-secondary institution in Manitoba.  You or your accompanying spouse or common-law partner must have done this after you turned 17years old and with a valid study permit.
The applicant or his/her accompanying spouse or common-law partner has completed at least six months of continuous full time employment in Manitoba. Applicants must provide a letter of reference from his/her employer and a copy of his/her work permit.

위에 따르면 이씨의 합계 점수는 78점으로 EOI 통과 가능성이 높습니다.

이 글이 유익하셨다면 공유해주세요!


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