와! 상당히 빨리 답변 주셨네요. 세네카, 조지안이 조건입학 가능한가요?

와! 상당히 빨리 답변 주셨네요. 세네카, 조지안이 조건입학 가능한가요?

이제훈등록일 : 2019.05.24조회 : 818댓글 : 0

세네카 컬리지

Admission Requirements

  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent with:
    • Grade 12 English: ENG4(C) or ENG4(U)
    • Grade 12 Mathematics: (C) or (U) or Grade 11 Mathematics: MCR3(U)


  • Mature Student Status (age 19 or older) with the above prerequisite course(s), their equivalent(s) or appropriate Academic and Career Entrance (ACE) Certificate program credits (see Academic Upgrading).

    조지안 컬리지
  • Admission information

    Admission requirements


    OSSD or equivalent with

    • Grade 12 English (C or U)
    • Grade 12 Mathematics (C or U)

    Mature students, non-secondary school applicants (19 years or older), and home school applicants may also be considered for admission. Eligibility may be met by applicants who have taken equivalent courses, upgrading, completed their GED, and equivalency testing. For complete details refer to: www.georgiancollege.ca/admissions/policies-procedures/



    Applicants who have taken courses from a recognized and accredited post-secondary institution and/or have relevant life/learning experience may also be considered for admission; refer to the Credit Transfer Centre website for details: www.georgiancollege.ca/admissions/credit-transfer/

    세나카랑 조지안 컬리지 입학을 생각중입니다.
    위에가 입학요건인데, 위에 나타내는 수학 C,U,M등급을 맞추지 못하면 말씀해주신 입학 취소되는가요?

     "Mature Student Status (age 19 or older) with the above prerequisite course(s), their equivalent(s) or appropriate Academic and Career Entrance (ACE) Certificate program credits (see Academic Upgrading)."를 수료하면 요건 충족이 되어서 입학이 되는건가요?
    세네카 Academic Upgrading의 Costs 여기에 보니깐 Tuition for domestic students  $0 이라고 적혀있던데, 이건 국제학생은 해당사항이 없는건가요?....

    Mature students, non-secondary school applicants (19 years or older), and home school applicants may also be considered for admission. Eligibility may be met by applicants who have taken equivalent courses, upgrading, completed their GED, and equivalency testing. For complete details refer to: www.georgiancollege.ca/admissions/policies-procedures/



    Applicants who have taken courses from a recognized and accredited post-secondary institution and/or have relevant life/learning experience may also be considered for admission; refer to the Credit Transfer Centre website for details: www.georgiancollege.ca/admissions/credit-transfer/

를 수료하면 요건 충족이 되어서 입학이 되는건가요?

이 글이 유익하셨다면 공유해주세요!

와! 상당히 빨리 답변 주셨네요. 세네카, 조지안이 조건입학 가능한가요?

머피등록일 : 2019.05.24

이 글이 유익하셨다면 공유해주세요!


여러분의 의견을 남겨주세요.

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